18 February 2022
Logo Ambassadeurs en herbe 2022

This month our students are competing in the 10th edition of Ambassadeurs en herbe, “Ambassadors in the Making”. Ambassadeurs en herbe, an educational project promoting public speaking skills throughout the AEFE network. This global competition, which all French primary and high schools around the world participate in, provides students with an opportunity to work, reflect, express themselves and debate on current affairs. ʺMers et océans : quels enjeux pour la planète?ʺ or “Seas and Oceans: our Planet’s Challenges” is the 2022 theme and will allow young speakers to explore the combination of different issues (scientific, economic, social, environmental, geopolitical, etc.) related to the maritime world… Set course for #AEH2022 to discover the seas and oceans! 

In order to prepare our students for this year’s AAEH event, our students enjoyed a video-conference last week with Mr. Tristan Salles, a geoscience academic and oceanographer from the University of Sydney, on the theme of this year’s event: “Seas and Oceans: Our Planet’s Challenges”. There were two presentations: one for the primary school students who asked lots of questions, and one for the junior and senior secondary students who discussed the notion of the Anthropocene.

The children were very happy with the conference, which gave the students a lot of interesting insights ahead of the big event. The first round will take place on February 23rd, and the LCS final will be on February 25th, the last day before the March holidays.

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