9 March 2023
Concours AAEH 2023 au lycée Condorcet de Sydney

Ambassadors in the Making - Bravo!

This year, as you may recall, our young speakers aged between 9 and 16 spoke about the theme: A digital world; hell or heaven? They took a stand using humour and conviction, and showed a lot of courage and enthusiasm by speaking in front of an audience of over 250 people.

The 5 winners will represent LCS in the Asia-Pacific final in the coming weeks to compete for a place in the world final!

LCS Winners

Cycle 3 : Juliette M.

Cycle 4 : Edgar R.

Seniors : Luna C.

Group: Brigitte B. & Mila F.

Thank you to all the teachers and the members of the jury, thanks to whom this eleventh edition of the AAEH was a great success! A big BRAVO to all the participants!

Audience Favourite

A big congratulations to Ella in year 4 who won the Audience Favourite award. Ella was selected by the year 4-6 students.

Well done, Ella!

Audience Favourite in Lycée Condorcet Public Speaking Contest